State Tuition Assistance (STA)

General Information

  • Applies to all accredited schools NOT just schools located in Utah
  • Service members are authorized up to $7,000 per fiscal year
  • The school will be paid directly based on the funding approved
  • Soldiers who have (first) applied for Federal Tuition Assistance or those who are not eligible for FTA (e.g. BYU students) are eligible to apply
  • STA is subject to the availability of funds. This means that authorized yearly limits (e.g. $7,000) might change year-to-year based on funds.
  • Can be used for part-time or full-time enrollment
  • Service obligation to the Utah National Guard from the end date of the course requested. Two years for an undergrad and three years for graduate or above


  • Service member must be actively drilling (cannot be flagged).
  • Can be used for a first associate and/or bachelor's degree, and/or first graduate degree, and a certification.

How To Apply

Applications are requested three weeks prior to class date but need to be submitted absolutely no later than eight days before the course start date.

Visit the website

Download the following:

Obtain the following:

  • Course cost verification/Tuition bill
  • Unofficial transcript
  • Schedule verification

Email all four documents to our Education Office group email

Important Information

Submitting a Tuition Assistance request does not enroll you in the course. You must register for the course at your Academic Institution.
With the new ArmyIgnitED 2.0, Soldiers must request tuition assistance in the system 60 to 8 days prior to the class start date.
Submit requests for wait-listed classes. The Education Office can assist with removing requests if you do not get in.

A Soldier may pre-register for a course to secure a slot.

All Tuition Assistance must be approved prior to the start date of the course; however, if a class is canceled at the last minute and you select a new course or if you drop a course, the Education Office can assist with adjusting your Tuition Assistance.
If an eligible Soldier decides to use Tuition Assistance, Academic Institutions will enroll him/her as TA-funded only after the TA is approved by the Army.

Soldiers will be solely responsible for all tuition costs without this prior approval.

Tuition Assistance is approved on a course-by-course basis and only for the specific course(s) and class dates that a Soldier requests.

If you find an error on your TA request

Start by contacting the education office. We can often fix the problem - even after the start date.

Call us before you delete or remove it