The Utah National Guard’s intent is to support all legal events that comply with Department of Defense regulation and policy to the best of our ability within the constraints of available resources.
Community Support Resources
It is best to request support early! Most support comes from our part-time Soldiers and Airmen.
Submit the appropriate form online before your event.
Requests are approved depending on time of submission, availability of resources, and appropriate support as defined by the Department of Defense.
After your event please e-mail us a follow-up letter with the total attendance at your event and any feedback you have on the support that was provided, to include the handling and processing of your request. Thank you.
For questions email, text or call
Aerial Support Requests
Most aerial support requests take a minimum of 90 days to process, consider requesting support 91 – 120 days before your event for best chances of receiving support. Aerial support is approved at the national level and requires coordination between the Utah National Guard and National Guard Bureau in Washington D.C.
Email completed form to [email protected].
Non-aerial Support Requests
Most non-aerial requests take a minimum of 30 days to process, consider requesting support 60 – 90 days before your event for best chances of receiving support. Common support includes but is not limited to:
- Static vehicle displays
- Vehicles or Soldiers/ Airmen in parades
- Color guards or flag ceremonies
- Military speakers
Email completed form to [email protected].
Armory Rental
The Utah National Guard armories are available to individuals and community groups to rent.
On the Utah Armories Map, coordinate armory rentals with the armory points of contact, under the contact information on the map.
Schedule of Fees
- Rental Fee
- $25/hr | $100 security deposit
- Security Attendant
- $15/hr
Facilities Available for Rent
Rental may include the drill floor area and kitchen. Other locations may be coordinated with the armory point of contact. Rental of classrooms only is not authorized. Parking lots and lawn areas may also be included. Utah National Guard activities have priority in scheduling.
Renter agrees to be responsible for the facility during the rental period. Renter agrees to keep said premises in good condition. Check in and out with the security attendant before and after your event.
Utah Armories Map
Funeral Honors
On January 1, 2000, Military Funeral Honors became a statutory benefit to all veterans with the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act. The law requires that, upon a family's request, every eligible veteran receive a military funeral honors ceremony to include a two-person detail for the sounding of Taps, folding and presenting the flag.
Funeral honors are provided to demonstrate the military and the nation’s deep gratitude for honorable service.
The Utah Army National Guard has a small full-time Honor Guard to support Army funerals. If this is in support of an Army Soldier, send the completed form to: [email protected].
For other military services, please contact the service representative.