

Utah Counterdrug 

  • MissionIncrease operational readiness by providing military unique capabilities in support of U.S. state and federal law enforcement and other agency partners to detect, monitor, and disrupt the trafficking of illicit drugs and chemicals used in the production of illicit drugs.

Utah Counterdrug

Program OverviewThe Utah National Guard Counterdrug Program is comprised of four branches including Headquarters, Joint Language Training Center, State Plans, and Utah Translation and Analysis Center. Counterdrug service members have proficiency in more than 50 languages and support counterdrug operations world-wide. Counterdrug provides military unique capabilities to law enforcement and agency partners including intelligence analysis, crime analysis, translation and transcription, document and media exploitation, Drug Demand Reduction Outreach, and reconnaissance and observation. The Counterdrug Program employs Army and Air Force service members from nearly every unit in the Utah National Guard.

Utah Counterdrug Contact Information

Counterdrug Coordinator Col. Scott Chalmers
Counterdrug Senior Listed Advisor Command Sgt. Maj. Edmundo Garcia

Joining the Counterdrug Team:

The Utah National Guard Counterdrug Program is open to service members and civilians with skills or credentialed training in military intelligence, foreign language proficiency, human resources, logistics, information systems and technologies, and finance.

Preference will be given to service members with the following Military Occupational Specialty or Air Force Specialty:


Army MOS

35A (Intelligence Officer); 35F (All Source Intelligence Analyst); 35L (Counterintelligence Agent); 35M (Human Intelligence Collector); 35N (Signals Intelligence Analyst); 35P (Signals Intelligence Voice Interceptor); 35T (Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator); 35Q (Cryptologic Cyberspace Intelligence  Collector/Analyst); 17C (Cyber Operations Specialist), 25B (Information Technology Specialist), 25U (Signal Support Systems Specialist); 36B (Financial Management Technician); 42A (Human Resources Specialist); 92A (Automated Logistical Specialist), 92Y (Unit Supply Specialist)

Air Force AFSC

1NO (all Source Intelligence); 1N2X1 (Signals Intelligence); 1N3 (Cryptologic Language Analyst); 1N4 (Cyber Intelligence); 1N7X1 (Human Intelligence Specialist); 2GO (Logistics Plans Specialist); 1D7X1A (Network Operations); 1D7X1K (Knowledge Operations); 1K7X1R (Radio Frequency Operations); 1D7X1W (Expeditionary Communications); 7SO (Special Investigations); 9L (Interpreter/Translator)

The Utah National Guard Counterdrug Program offers both part-time and full-time positions.  Full-time career National Guard service members are placed on an active-duty status under Title 32 orders and receive all benefits of an active-duty service member including but not limited to full pay based on rank, basic allowance for housing, basic allowance for subsistence, foreign language proficiency bonus pay, full health care benefits (TRICARE) coverage at little or no cost, and retirement benefits.

To inquiry about current vacancies, please reach out to [email protected].  For service members with Utah National Guard state accounts, you can visit the following link Utah National Guard Full-Time Positions.

West Traverse Mountain

The West Traverse Sentinel Landscape establishes mutual goals and trusted relationships with surrounding communities to prudently balance the military training needs of Camp Williams with conservation and compatible economic interests within the designated sentinel landscape area.

Sentinel landscapes are partnerships. The West Traverse Sentinel Landscape committee steers initiatives that are achieved through a coalition of federal agencies, state and municipal governments, non-governmental organizations, and landowners.


    Freedom Academy

    The 63rd annual Freedom Academy is July 13-18, 2025.

    The Utah National Guard is pleased to announce the 63rd annual Freedom Academy, to be held at Camp W.G. Williams from July 13-18, 2025. We invite all student body officers as well as other student leaders within schools and communities to attend.

    Freedom Academy costs nothing to the student or school other than transportation to and from Camp Williams. Freedom Academy covers all expenses during their stay.

    A complete information packet will be mailed to the delegate once their name(s) are received. Delegate names are due by the deadline: May 31, 2025. If your delegate is unknown, indicate this by requesting a space be reserved for your school. Please email us at the email below with any questions.

    If you have any questions, please contact the director, Maj. Tambra West, using the information below.

    What is Freedom Academy?

    Since 1961, the Utah National Guard and the Honorary Colonels Corps of Utah have proudly sponsored Freedom Academy, a program dedicated to fostering patriotism and a deeper understanding of the ideals and principles of the United States. Freedom Academy provides students with unique, hands-on experiences alongside prominent leaders from Utah’s government, business, and military sectors. Through these interactions, participants gain valuable insights into leadership and the tools of various professions. The program offers a well-rounded curriculum that addresses the academic, social, and recreational needs of each student. Upon returning to their schools, participants are equipped with a renewed sense of patriotism and a heightened appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy as a nation.

    How it Works

    Freedom Academy is open to students between their junior and senior years of high school. All students with demonstrated leadership potential are encouraged to apply, though participation is limited to one or two students per school.

    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States when men and women were free."
    — Ronald Reagan

    Apply Today

    Freedom Academy is a FREE, six-day leadership training event.  Each day focuses on different themes and activities, giving students a profound sense of our nation’s freedoms and rights.