Family & Service Member Support (J9 Directorate)


Family Assistance and Readiness

Centers are available for US military members, veterans, and their families regardless of branch, unit, or physical location. Our goal is to be a reference and referral agency for families to ensure they have all the needed resources and opportunities.

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Behavioral Health Support

Our mission is to support National Guard members and families and their psychological health. Our goal is to achieve and sustain resilient servicemembers for operational readiness.

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Utah National Guard Kids (UTNG) Military Youth Programs

UTNG Youth Programs puts on a myriad of functions throughout the year for military kids, including various camps, classes, and workshops. Programs focus on leadership, resiliency, education, and fun.

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Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)

Our mission is to empower and support survivors of sexual violence through confidential advocacy and resources to make the choices that are best for them.

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About Us


The J9 Resiliency Directorate (J9) enhances the resilience and comprehensive readiness of the Airmen, Soldiers, and Families of the Utah Nation Guard through exceptional professionals, innovative programs, and unparalleled service.


The J9 assists Airmen, Soldiers, Families, and Command Teams in enhancing readiness, resilience, and culture through a diverse team of professionals and a unique combination of programs and resources designed to support the unique challenges of life as a Citizen Soldier/Airman.

    Emergency Contacts

    24/7 Emergency Contacts
    • Joint Resiliency Directorate Emergency Number


    • Sexual Assault Safe Helpline

    • State Family Programs Director

      Mr. David Osborne

    • UTNG Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

      24/7 Hotline

    • UTARNG Lead Soldier & Family Readiness Specialist

      Ms. Ashley Warren

    • UTANG Military and Family Readiness Program Manager

      Mr. Scott Jones

    • SAFEUT National Guard

      Download the APP

    • Mental Health Crisis Line


    • Utah Domestic Violence Crisis Line

      People First Resource Guide

      Download this resource guide from the J9 Resiliency Directorate Military Community and Family Services Office. The intent is to provide ongoing support, share information, educate about programs, and provide resources available to members of the Utah National Guard.

      Equal Opportunity/Equal Employment Opportunity

      The Military Employment Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity (MEO/EEO) program is designed to maximize the military force potential by ensuring fair treatment without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability. We work to provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment and offensive behavior. The MEO/EEO program promotes unit readiness, mission accomplishment, and unit effectiveness, by ensuring equal opportunity for every Soldier, Airman and Civilian through human relations education, diversity, organizational assessments, and fair treatment based on merit, accomplishments and capabilities.

      State Equal Employment Manager
      Disability Program Manager/EEO Counselor
      State of Utah Civilian Employees

      Reasonable Accommodations

      Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a reasonable accommodation (RA) is any change in the work environment or in the way things are customarily done that enables a person with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities.

      Reasonable Accommodations Flowchart

      Reasonable Accommodations Request

      No FEAR Training

      The training covers the No FEAR Act, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy, the EEO Complaint Process, Reasonable Accommodations, Accessibility, Anti-Harassment Policy, Prohibited Personnel Practices, and Whistleblower Protection Laws. It introduces employees to various topics, including the forms of discrimination, the timeline for filing a discrimination or harassment complaint, examples of and the timeline for processing reasonable accommodations, the types and effects of harassment, and the purpose and timeline for filing an action with the Office of Special Counsel or the Merit Systems Protection Board.

      EEO Non-Supervisor Training 203(A)

      Employer Support for the Guard and Reserves (ESGR)

      ESGR is a Department of Defense program established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component service members and their civilian employers in order to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment.


      Our dedicated volunteers come from all walks of life. We are business executives, civic leaders, and patriotic citizens. Some volunteer activities include:
      • Employer Outreach: Develop relationships with employers to promote advocacy for service in the Guard and Reserve.
      • Ombudsman: Work with employers and service members to prevent, reduce, or resolve misunderstandings regarding employment rights and responsibilities.
      • Public Affairs: Work with military and civilian media organizations to promote public understanding of the ESGR mission.
      • Military Outreach: Inform and educate members of the Guard and Reserve regarding their employment rights and responsibilities under Uniforned Services Employment Rights Act (USERRA).
      Contact Card


      • VA Benefits
      • State Benefits
      • Physical and Mental Health
      • Disabled Veterans Benefits
      • Health & Life Insurance
      • Financial Assistance
      • Legal Assistance
      • Relocation/ Homelessness
      • Career Change
      • Employment Assistance
      • Education & Training

      Transition Assistance Program

      The purpose of the Reserve Component Transition Assistance Advisor (RCTAA) program is to provide a professional in each state/territory to serve as the statewide point of contact to assist service members in accessing Department of Veterans Affairs’ health care services and benefits. Each TAA also provides assistance in obtaining entitlements through the Military Health System and access to community resources. The program is designed to serve National Guard members and their families. Additionally, we gladly provide services to members in all components.

      Contact Card

      Accelerated Credentialing to Employment (ACE)


      The ACE Program is designed to assist Utah veterans, actively drilling members of the Guard and Reserve and their respective spouses, overcome barriers to employment or better employment by assisting them in attaining certificates and licenses using their military training and experience or by assisting with short-term training.

      The ACE Program is intended to provide an avenue for eligible participants to gain employment in the civilian job market by capitalizing on their past experience, training and knowledge or by assisting them with short-term training that leads to a certificate or license. The program can serve Utah veterans, active military personnel, actively drilling members of the Guard and Reserve and the spouses of the aforementioned as long as they have served at least one day of honorable service in a branch of the Armed Forces.